In the world of translation and localisation today, it is unthinkable for a professional to survive without knowing how at least one CAT tool works (and having a licence). We have already spoken about this great ally for translation agencies in this article, but in fact, anyone at all who is involved in the translation of texts cannot afford to ignore this fantastic technological tool.
"Embracing technology" used to be a thing. "Surviving thanks to technology" is today’s equivalent. And let's clarify an important point right away: technology in the localization industry is not only about Machine Translation and awful translations. Not at all!
Last month, as part of the lessons I taught at UNINT in Rome on the language used in iGaming, I had the opportunity to instruct the students of the master's degree course in "Translation and adaptation of audiovisual and multimedia works for dubbing and subtitling" on the basic principles of the translator's career including, notably, the "software" factor. Although until a few years ago a "seasoned" translator could claim to have no need for translation software, in 2022 having CAT is a must for every translator. Not only can CAT licenses be obtained today at affordable prices but thinking about translating "the old-fashioned way" has become counterproductive, both in terms of time and especially in terms of quality.
But while today, translator and CAT must go hand-in-hand, the concept is still greatly underestimated in most training courses. As a loyal and enthusiastic CAT lover, of course, I couldn't help but spend 6 intense hours introducing these precious tools, with a full immersion featuring translation memories, term bases and editors. But let's take it one step at a time: firstly, what is a CAT tool and why can't we do without one?
When your CAT lives inside your pc
To put it simply, a CAT tool is a software tool that allows you to keep track of the translations you have done, count words and repetitions, evaluate terms or entire expressions already in your memory and even carry out a good final quality check. It is a valuable ally for both translators and project managers. No translator (never mind a translation agency) can do without:
Despite the countless benefits of this tool, there are still too many translation students who have never worked with a CAT tool. This was why my students were so enthusiastic about the opportunity to participate in the Phrase platform workshop.
Phrase (formerly Memsource) is the company that develops, among other things, one of the best CAT tools around, and which we as an agency also use most frequently. Available both online and in a desktop version, it is a fully comprehensive yet easy-to-use software, both for the individual translator and the translation agency.
Thanks to an arrangement we made directly with the Phrase team, we were able to use the Phrase Academy version and provide each individual student with free access to the tool, allowing them to practice using it, both during the workshop and afterwards, on their own.
If you are starting your career or simply want to "keep up with the times", take a look at the different CAT tools on the market. There are many: some cheap, some complex, browser-based, free, colourful, and others that are terribly slow. Before investing money in a subscription, which is becoming increasingly popular), try them out and choose the one that best suits the way you work and the texts you manage. After all, you are choosing the CAT that will keep you company throughout your working day!