Translating. Words. Cultures. Creativity.

LingoSpell is a professional on-line language service provider, equipped to meet the highest standards.

Whether you are a multinational concern, a start-up business or a professional practice with international dealings, we can help and support you with our range of linguistic services.

We handle more than 60 languages. The LingoSpell world knows no borders …

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A myriad of services supporting your business

As a translation agency, our core business and our biggest passion is translating content from one language to another. Over the years, we have proven our skills in gaming, websites, advertising and marketing copy and many other types of content. Our approach focuses on looking at the text from every angle. This is why we offer our clients a comprehensive series of additional linguistic services, which make LingoSpell the one-stop partner you are looking for if you publish digital or print content.

Translations Translation
Transcreation Transcreation
Localisation Localisation
Subtitling Subtitling
Editing Editing
Revision Revision
Check-in-Context Check-in-Context 
Content writing and SEO Content writing and SEO
Certified translations Certified translations
Transcription Transcription

What it’s all about: specialisation

As part of LingoSpell’s business model, we have decided to focus and work in a restricted number of business and industry areas, where we can claim specific expertise and competences and offer our clients the highest translation quality level. We are able to do this thanks to our extensive worldwide network of professional translators who have an in-depth knowledge of the industry area and are familiar with business-related terminology and jargon. A sine qua non is that they have a comprehensive understanding of the original content before “converting” the words to the target language.




Luxury and Lifestyle


Board games

Creative marketing

Quote start Translation is one of the few human activities in which the impossible occurs by principle.

(Mariano Antolìn Rato)
Quote end

You can count on professional translators. Every time.

LingoSpell’s translators are highly specialised in a range of business areas. They are native speakers and have accrued unquestionable experience in the art (and science) of translation.
From the time you place and confirm an order, we need just 48 hours to turn around high-quality translations or content.

The LingoSpell method

Our clients

We are proud to support the international expansion of many top-range companies:

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